Solar Power Pros and Cons

Have you ever considered converting your house to solar energy? What are the solar energy pros and cons you should consider before you make such a decision? Here are 7 facts that you should examine before switching to sun power.
Reduced electric costs - Once installed, your solar energy system will provide you with "free electricity" for the next 20-25 years.
Solar energy is renewable and eco friendly - The sun shines just about every day allowing your system to produce electricity on a consistent basis without polluting the atmosphere.
Solar energy systems require very little maintenance - Just keep the solar panels clean and free from debris. If using a battery storage backup system, batteries will have to be replaced periodically.
Potential income - 44 states now have net metering laws in place that require the power company to purchase from you any excess power your system generates. This can reduce your cost of ownership by a considerable amount depending upon the size of your system.
Cost - A solar energy system can cost as much as $20,000 installed. The pay back time can be as much as 15-18 years depending upon what you currently pay for your electricity.
Solar panels take up a lot of space - Panels are usually mounted upon the house roof. If roof mounting is not feasible they can be mounted on poles in the yard, which reduces usable yard space for recreation.
Zoning restrictions - Some areas have no restrictions, however other areas can have quite stiff regulations. For example, Palm Beach, Florida limits the amount of roof space that can be used for solar panels to 15 percent. That does not allow for a very large solar system.
Now that you know some of the solar energy pros and cons, do the advantages outweigh the disadvantages for you? The largest disadvantage for most people is the large initial cost of installation. There are several ways to reduce this.
First, make sure that you have done everything possible to reduce your electric needs.
Second, look into what tax rebates and utility company incentives are available in your area. Used alone or in combination these can greatly reduce the cost of going solar.
Finally, consider building your own solar panels. Recent technological advances have reduced the cost of the solar cells that make up the solar panels. Panels are the most expensive part of a solar generation system. Building your own solar panels can save you $5000-10,000 versus purchasing the panels.
If you decide that building solar panels is a doable DIY project for you, the most important thing you will need is a good set of comprehensive plans. Be careful in selecting your plans. Much of what is available has been written by amateurs. Make sure that the plans you select are written by people who are actually working in the solar energy field. This one step will make sure you can succeed in building your own solar energy system.

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